Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013
Montag, 24. Juni 2013
Week #9
Thumbs up for: nice last days, exams done
Thums down for: leaving Vancouver!
Bought: postcards!
Thought: I'm going to miss this place, these people and this life I had here..
Searched: my necklace
Found: my necklace !!! (finally at home, when I unpacked my stuff!)
Worth hearing: As i showed my roomate some german music I also showed her some of my friendds, that sing in English, so that she can understand it better, and as she liked them I wantedt to show them to you too!
Fabian Steinhübel- If I could turn back the time
(if you want to watch better quality and more recent music go to his soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/fabiansteinhuebel
(unfortunately I couldn't upload a vidoe of this webpage! You have to stop by!)
Chris - Counting Stars (Cover OneRepublic)
(You have to click through his other covers on youtube as well! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3m_Uja52-ikg4s1BnmwXqg)
Enjoy and tell me what you think of my two friends in your comments, maybe?
Worth seeing: "Now you see me" nice and not so forseeable as most might think!
Quoted well: "When things are at their best, it's time to go"
Last sin: Tim Hortons Café Mocha at the airport
After we gratuadted last week, this week was "exam week".. so on monday was our "speaking" test. francesca and I had our test in the early afternoon so that we had plenty of time for enjoying the day befor and after the test. Although we were both really nervous and afraid I think we did a good job and I think we passed for sure!
So after the exam I spent some more time in school and went out for some shopping afterwards. That was basicly my day, so nothing special.. BUT as you can see ONE thing was special. It was my hostmom's birthday. She wanted to keep it as a secret but as you can see that didn't work out so well. her sister had a lot of fun organizing this huge decoration for her in our garden. Really funny ! :D
My hostmum was yeah.. let's say shocked. In my opinion it is a really good idea of her sister and Marnie shouldn't be ashamed of being 40 now :)
Tuesday: One day before the exam..the real, exam. I should study.. at least a little. Okay, I did.but it wasn't as effective as I hoped it would be. So we went to the cinema one last time (our last "cheap night at the movies" on our last tuesday! :( ) We watched "Now you see me" togehter with one new friend -- an other german Tobias :P (yes there are two now ^^). After that I tried my first "Japadog", which was pretty tasty! Then we all went home and studied hard.. !
No, actually I just went home and for a walk ^^ This is my favourite jogging route and because I wanted to take some pictures(and I wa stoo lazy!) I turned my run into a walk with my camera ;)
Wednesday:Ohhhh final exam day. Finally! after 8 weks of studying and school.. We all had to get up extra earl to get to that hotel where we took the test, which was .. yes, somehow not so easy but also not the best I ever did.. I was just really happy when it was over! After the exam our two CAE classes went to the Cambies and had a nice afternoon and then some of our class went to the cactus Club to have dinner. Actually the plan was to go out in a club afterward but all of us were far to tired to do anything... so we went back to the Cambies (yes, that was somehow stupid!) and then we went home because I needed to sleep because on Thursday I planned to go to Victoria with Stephan. That meant for me to get up at 5:45 a.m!
At last I went to Victoria! I was already afraid that there wouldn't be another chance left to go there. The day was extremly bright and sunny, other than expected. So we had a good day to enjoy that beautiful harbour city. But first we had to travel about 4 hours to arrive in Victoria. But fortnunatly everything went without incidents, so we were in time for everything and had a relaxing day in that beautiful town. The thing is, as everybody sad.. Victoria is beautiful, but boring ^^.. we walked around looked at Fishermen's warft and the harbour, the B.C Parliament and finally, because I persuaded Stephan we wnet to the museum that was supposed to be very good. I know that the weather was far to good for that but in my opinion that museum was worth it. Especially because we were a little unimaginative with what we could do the whole day :) We should have brought or swimming clothes or something! But it was tsill nice and really infrmative. And as we missed our Bus to go the ferry, we had to bridge some more time, so we had dinner, so that Stephan didn't have to die hungry ^^ . Finally we made our way back and were both really tired! And in the end I am happy that we both survied that day without hating each other ( I am still angy at you because you draw in the middle of my Canada flag :/)
Last day for most of us! Thats why wewanted to meet one last time before we al spread in different directions (either home or on vacation). So in the morning I went to downtown to sell my buspass and afterward do soem last tourist shopping! After that I HAD to go home one more time, because I bought far too much and I couldn't carry everything to the restaurant in the evening. So I wetn home and then back to downtown ( english bay) in record time, enjoyed the last glimpse at the pacific ocean and the bay and went to milestone's where Francesca had reserved a table for us! It was a wonderful last dinner with all my friends, and afterwards we took a walk through the city to go to the Cambies (again..) to meet some other ppl, but it wastoo crowded so that we went to a famous ?brewery? called Steamworks. There we enjoyed the last few hours before it was time to say goodbye!
We had a lot of fun this evening and it was hard to say good bye to the friends I made the last two months! It was so nice to sit with the guys one last time at the "beach", (a smaller one nearby the harbour), even though we didn't od anything special and we had to walk almost half an hour to get back to a normal street it was really nice and I won't forget that! I hope you do all enjoy your time at vancouve, or at your vacation and I hope that at least some of you will visit me some day in Germany! You are all welcome, I hope you know that!
Thums down for: leaving Vancouver!
Bought: postcards!
Thought: I'm going to miss this place, these people and this life I had here..
Searched: my necklace
Found: my necklace !!! (finally at home, when I unpacked my stuff!)
Worth hearing: As i showed my roomate some german music I also showed her some of my friendds, that sing in English, so that she can understand it better, and as she liked them I wantedt to show them to you too!
(if you want to watch better quality and more recent music go to his soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/fabiansteinhuebel
(You have to click through his other covers on youtube as well! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3m_Uja52-ikg4s1BnmwXqg)
Enjoy and tell me what you think of my two friends in your comments, maybe?
Worth seeing: "Now you see me" nice and not so forseeable as most might think!
Quoted well: "When things are at their best, it's time to go"
Last sin: Tim Hortons Café Mocha at the airport
After we gratuadted last week, this week was "exam week".. so on monday was our "speaking" test. francesca and I had our test in the early afternoon so that we had plenty of time for enjoying the day befor and after the test. Although we were both really nervous and afraid I think we did a good job and I think we passed for sure!
So after the exam I spent some more time in school and went out for some shopping afterwards. That was basicly my day, so nothing special.. BUT as you can see ONE thing was special. It was my hostmom's birthday. She wanted to keep it as a secret but as you can see that didn't work out so well. her sister had a lot of fun organizing this huge decoration for her in our garden. Really funny ! :D
My hostmum was yeah.. let's say shocked. In my opinion it is a really good idea of her sister and Marnie shouldn't be ashamed of being 40 now :)
Tuesday: One day before the exam..the real, exam. I should study.. at least a little. Okay, I did.but it wasn't as effective as I hoped it would be. So we went to the cinema one last time (our last "cheap night at the movies" on our last tuesday! :( ) We watched "Now you see me" togehter with one new friend -- an other german Tobias :P (yes there are two now ^^). After that I tried my first "Japadog", which was pretty tasty! Then we all went home and studied hard.. !
No, actually I just went home and for a walk ^^ This is my favourite jogging route and because I wanted to take some pictures(and I wa stoo lazy!) I turned my run into a walk with my camera ;)
Wednesday:Ohhhh final exam day. Finally! after 8 weks of studying and school.. We all had to get up extra earl to get to that hotel where we took the test, which was .. yes, somehow not so easy but also not the best I ever did.. I was just really happy when it was over! After the exam our two CAE classes went to the Cambies and had a nice afternoon and then some of our class went to the cactus Club to have dinner. Actually the plan was to go out in a club afterward but all of us were far to tired to do anything... so we went back to the Cambies (yes, that was somehow stupid!) and then we went home because I needed to sleep because on Thursday I planned to go to Victoria with Stephan. That meant for me to get up at 5:45 a.m!
At last I went to Victoria! I was already afraid that there wouldn't be another chance left to go there. The day was extremly bright and sunny, other than expected. So we had a good day to enjoy that beautiful harbour city. But first we had to travel about 4 hours to arrive in Victoria. But fortnunatly everything went without incidents, so we were in time for everything and had a relaxing day in that beautiful town. The thing is, as everybody sad.. Victoria is beautiful, but boring ^^.. we walked around looked at Fishermen's warft and the harbour, the B.C Parliament and finally, because I persuaded Stephan we wnet to the museum that was supposed to be very good. I know that the weather was far to good for that but in my opinion that museum was worth it. Especially because we were a little unimaginative with what we could do the whole day :) We should have brought or swimming clothes or something! But it was tsill nice and really infrmative. And as we missed our Bus to go the ferry, we had to bridge some more time, so we had dinner, so that Stephan didn't have to die hungry ^^ . Finally we made our way back and were both really tired! And in the end I am happy that we both survied that day without hating each other ( I am still angy at you because you draw in the middle of my Canada flag :/)
Last day for most of us! Thats why wewanted to meet one last time before we al spread in different directions (either home or on vacation). So in the morning I went to downtown to sell my buspass and afterward do soem last tourist shopping! After that I HAD to go home one more time, because I bought far too much and I couldn't carry everything to the restaurant in the evening. So I wetn home and then back to downtown ( english bay) in record time, enjoyed the last glimpse at the pacific ocean and the bay and went to milestone's where Francesca had reserved a table for us! It was a wonderful last dinner with all my friends, and afterwards we took a walk through the city to go to the Cambies (again..) to meet some other ppl, but it wastoo crowded so that we went to a famous ?brewery? called Steamworks. There we enjoyed the last few hours before it was time to say goodbye!
Tobias,Thomas & Stefan |
Ayako! I looove this picture! |
Tobias, Stefan, Jennifer, Corinne, Anna, Francesca, Jin, Ayako |
We had a lot of fun this evening and it was hard to say good bye to the friends I made the last two months! It was so nice to sit with the guys one last time at the "beach", (a smaller one nearby the harbour), even though we didn't od anything special and we had to walk almost half an hour to get back to a normal street it was really nice and I won't forget that! I hope you do all enjoy your time at vancouve, or at your vacation and I hope that at least some of you will visit me some day in Germany! You are all welcome, I hope you know that!
Time to pack my bags and say good bye! I had almost he whole daytime for that because my flight was at 23:50 in the evening, so i spend my last day with packing my suitcase ( a challenge I tell you!!!) and had a nice and reaxed last day with my hostfamily! I was really sad to leave this beautiful place knowing that it will be a long time till I have the opportunity to visit this wonderful part of the world again!
But in the end it was not the place that made that time unforgetable, but the people and the memories I made there!
Freitag, 21. Juni 2013
week #8
Hey :)
Sooo this is my last post that I will do here in Canada... We now have Sunday evening here, and I realise that my time here is almost over. There is only one more week left! And that is exam week! Tomorrow I will have my final speaking test with Francesca(We will rock that!!!)
And on wendesday we all will have our real CAE Exam... yaay, excitement!
But well. i will make the best out of this week, even if the weather stays like this (all cloudy almost all day) .. My plans are doing the exam, celebrate the exam(^^),then going to Victoria, finally !!!and then on Saturday to make my way home..with a short stop in Montreal! I hope that this all will work out! And I won't miss the plane!
Unfortunatly I have not much to say about week number 8... ( It's too long ago!!!) & there didn't happen a lot. On friday was our last day of school and our graduation from EC and afterwards we went to Earl's together as a class and had lunch.
I had to say good bye to my roommate Isadora, she made her way back home to Brazil. We spend one last evening together on friday, and on staurday/sunday night her friends brought her to the airport.
Thumbs up for:A nice Skyline
Thums down for: Isadora going home
Bought: -
Thought:"I Should propably start to learn a little bit for the exam... -Naaah, there are soo many better things to do"
Searched: my necklace,( it's still lost) :(
Found: Money :P
Worth hearing: Passenger - Month of sundays
Worth seeing: open minded people and street musiciens!
Quoted well:"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet"
Last sin: -
Sooo this is my last post that I will do here in Canada... We now have Sunday evening here, and I realise that my time here is almost over. There is only one more week left! And that is exam week! Tomorrow I will have my final speaking test with Francesca(We will rock that!!!)
And on wendesday we all will have our real CAE Exam... yaay, excitement!
But well. i will make the best out of this week, even if the weather stays like this (all cloudy almost all day) .. My plans are doing the exam, celebrate the exam(^^),then going to Victoria, finally !!!and then on Saturday to make my way home..with a short stop in Montreal! I hope that this all will work out! And I won't miss the plane!
Unfortunatly I have not much to say about week number 8... ( It's too long ago!!!) & there didn't happen a lot. On friday was our last day of school and our graduation from EC and afterwards we went to Earl's together as a class and had lunch.
![]() |
Smiling with the certificate in hands ^^ |
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Our crazy but so nice teacher Jim! |
I had to say good bye to my roommate Isadora, she made her way back home to Brazil. We spend one last evening together on friday, and on staurday/sunday night her friends brought her to the airport.
Thumbs up for:A nice Skyline
Thums down for: Isadora going home
Bought: -
Thought:"I Should propably start to learn a little bit for the exam... -Naaah, there are soo many better things to do"
Searched: my necklace,( it's still lost) :(
Found: Money :P
Worth seeing: open minded people and street musiciens!
Quoted well:"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet"
Last sin: -
Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013
Week #7
Ohjeeeh! Time is running! Only 2 more weeks left now! I can't believe it.. I need to stop wasting time on stupid things and the weather needs to get better now... this week showed definitely why Vanouver is also called "Raincouver".. but at least the sunday showed a good side of Vancouver, it was sunny almost the whole day!
Thumbs up for:Bus Month passes, I feel so mobile now :P, good friends and skype, the sun and the weekend
Thums down for: RAINcouver
Bought: food and stamps, many stamps :)
Thought: "When it comes to a point where it can't get worse, you just have to make the best out of it... It will work!"
Searched: The sun!
Found: The sun! (on SUNday, haha ;D)
Worth hearing:
Angus & Julia Stone - Big Jet Plane
Worth seeing: As I wasn't in the cinema this week and I don't watch any TV here, I have no recoomodation!
Quoted well: "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen
Last sin: Honey Doughnut at Deep Cove !
Yeah, to gve you a more detailed summary of my week is sometimes reeeeeally hard! I think My memory is really bad ! And on some days, nothing really interesting happens which is worth telling you!
Monday: I honestly don't remember, what I did :P
Tuesday: Another test day! Yeeeah! It was the second and last practice exam for the CAE ... in 2 weeks,there's no more practicing.. o.O The test was okay, it was a little harder in my opinion than the last time, but you could say, that we get used to it :P :P .. I was happy when that test was over but I didn't join my friends with going to the cinema, because I wasn't interested in the movie(s). This is the reason why i went home. Because, when there is rain in Vancouver than there's almost nothing more to do than staying inside ;)
Wednesday: If was trying to escape from the rain? Not at all! I was invited to a friends house after school, so I visited him and his wonderful hostfamily! I only say: 16 month old baby and a dog! Wonderful!!! So, even though it rained not so less, we went out for a walk with the dog. This made me realize how I miss my dog at home! And than we "talked" a little bit to Oliver(?) wich was wonderful. A cute boy! I watched a movie with that really mean and not congenial swiss person and than went home! (So Stephan, this is now your fault, before your complaints I didn't think about writing something mean !^^.. but you know it's a joke, dude :D)I really enjoyed that day! It is always nice to get to know other canadian families and do something else than "sightseeing" or "drinking a coffee".
Thursday:On this day I had my speaking test toghter with Ayako and a foreign swiss from the FCE class. So..that means 3 people, which is in my opinion a little bit more difficult. But it worked out well :) it was a nice atmosphere so that i almost forgot the examiner. I really enjoyed to have Ayako as my partner again, because I think we are a great team and we did a good job. I hope it's not a propblem, if she's not my partner in the real exam ^.^ ;) After the test, the day was "nearly" over, so that there was no other option than going home.
Friday: Weekend, finally :) Or first some hours of school and then weekend :) But well, the weather wasn't that bad anymore and we decied to go Stanley Park. I said that I've never really been IN Stanley park, so that we walked to it and than decided to walk around the Park, which is about 10 kilometer! We had a really nice view to North and west vancouver and saw an otter. And at the end of the day we were rewarded with the sun setting at English Bay :)
Saturday: Because I woke up early i went out for a short run, skyped with my family and friends and then went to Richmond a city near Vancouver, which was supposed to have a nice part called "Steveston village". It was really nice, even though the weather wasn't so perfect. We ate some fish and chips and than walked around the town and watched the beautiful buildings and the sea. It was again a walk from about 8 kilometers combined with my run in the morning also a lot. I walk around quite much, I like that! :) I should do that at home too :P
Anyways, we went to Queen Elizabeth Park afterwards, to meet Anna for dinner. The restaurant we went to was particulary good! I really enjoyed it there, we had a nice atmosphere, good food and a breathtaking view and Vnacouvers "skyline" in the night. And, really guys, I ate sooo much, I have to show you that. But it was really worth it:P:P
It doesn't only look good, it was :)
We stayed there really long till it was really dark nad guess what we also saw a wedding proposal! Amazing! After our dinner we took some pictures from downtown, which I will show you later, becaause a friend of mine took them :) When I came home I was sooo awake that I couldn't really sleep (maybe too much food?) and what could you do, when you can't sleep? Use the time with skyping! That was really fun, but I went to bed at 3 and I had to get up at 8 again on sunday, that was hard, but worth it!
Sunday: after getting up soearly, for another skype call, I went to bed again,and then when it was "late enough, I got up and made my way to deep cove ! It was the second time we've been there, but I really looked forward to it, because we wereswimming, in that kind of old water and just enjoyed the day, playing frsibee, lying around and eating those wonderful delicious doughnuts!
So one can say, even though the week started a little bad, it got better and better, and in the end, it was perfect. Do you remember my "Thought" above? Maybe I should just think more positive!
So now, I am almost on time again, be proud of me ;) And enjoy your week! I hope the rain will disappear soon in Germany!
Thumbs up for:Bus Month passes, I feel so mobile now :P, good friends and skype, the sun and the weekend
Thums down for: RAINcouver
Bought: food and stamps, many stamps :)
Thought: "When it comes to a point where it can't get worse, you just have to make the best out of it... It will work!"
Searched: The sun!
Found: The sun! (on SUNday, haha ;D)
Quoted well: "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen
Last sin: Honey Doughnut at Deep Cove !
Yeah, to gve you a more detailed summary of my week is sometimes reeeeeally hard! I think My memory is really bad ! And on some days, nothing really interesting happens which is worth telling you!
Monday: I honestly don't remember, what I did :P
Tuesday: Another test day! Yeeeah! It was the second and last practice exam for the CAE ... in 2 weeks,there's no more practicing.. o.O The test was okay, it was a little harder in my opinion than the last time, but you could say, that we get used to it :P :P .. I was happy when that test was over but I didn't join my friends with going to the cinema, because I wasn't interested in the movie(s). This is the reason why i went home. Because, when there is rain in Vancouver than there's almost nothing more to do than staying inside ;)
Wednesday: If was trying to escape from the rain? Not at all! I was invited to a friends house after school, so I visited him and his wonderful hostfamily! I only say: 16 month old baby and a dog! Wonderful!!! So, even though it rained not so less, we went out for a walk with the dog. This made me realize how I miss my dog at home! And than we "talked" a little bit to Oliver(?) wich was wonderful. A cute boy! I watched a movie with that really mean and not congenial swiss person and than went home! (So Stephan, this is now your fault, before your complaints I didn't think about writing something mean !^^.. but you know it's a joke, dude :D)I really enjoyed that day! It is always nice to get to know other canadian families and do something else than "sightseeing" or "drinking a coffee".
Thursday:On this day I had my speaking test toghter with Ayako and a foreign swiss from the FCE class. So..that means 3 people, which is in my opinion a little bit more difficult. But it worked out well :) it was a nice atmosphere so that i almost forgot the examiner. I really enjoyed to have Ayako as my partner again, because I think we are a great team and we did a good job. I hope it's not a propblem, if she's not my partner in the real exam ^.^ ;) After the test, the day was "nearly" over, so that there was no other option than going home.
Friday: Weekend, finally :) Or first some hours of school and then weekend :) But well, the weather wasn't that bad anymore and we decied to go Stanley Park. I said that I've never really been IN Stanley park, so that we walked to it and than decided to walk around the Park, which is about 10 kilometer! We had a really nice view to North and west vancouver and saw an otter. And at the end of the day we were rewarded with the sun setting at English Bay :)
Saturday: Because I woke up early i went out for a short run, skyped with my family and friends and then went to Richmond a city near Vancouver, which was supposed to have a nice part called "Steveston village". It was really nice, even though the weather wasn't so perfect. We ate some fish and chips and than walked around the town and watched the beautiful buildings and the sea. It was again a walk from about 8 kilometers combined with my run in the morning also a lot. I walk around quite much, I like that! :) I should do that at home too :P
Anyways, we went to Queen Elizabeth Park afterwards, to meet Anna for dinner. The restaurant we went to was particulary good! I really enjoyed it there, we had a nice atmosphere, good food and a breathtaking view and Vnacouvers "skyline" in the night. And, really guys, I ate sooo much, I have to show you that. But it was really worth it:P:P
It doesn't only look good, it was :)
We stayed there really long till it was really dark nad guess what we also saw a wedding proposal! Amazing! After our dinner we took some pictures from downtown, which I will show you later, becaause a friend of mine took them :) When I came home I was sooo awake that I couldn't really sleep (maybe too much food?) and what could you do, when you can't sleep? Use the time with skyping! That was really fun, but I went to bed at 3 and I had to get up at 8 again on sunday, that was hard, but worth it!
Sunday: after getting up soearly, for another skype call, I went to bed again,and then when it was "late enough, I got up and made my way to deep cove ! It was the second time we've been there, but I really looked forward to it, because we wereswimming, in that kind of old water and just enjoyed the day, playing frsibee, lying around and eating those wonderful delicious doughnuts!
So one can say, even though the week started a little bad, it got better and better, and in the end, it was perfect. Do you remember my "Thought" above? Maybe I should just think more positive!
So now, I am almost on time again, be proud of me ;) And enjoy your week! I hope the rain will disappear soon in Germany!
Week #6
Thumbs up for: Andrew, an awesome drive through the Rockies, a nice gruop ambivalent weather
Thums down for: a f***** damaged laptop
Bought: postcards!
Thought: "To go swimming now would be nice, but... noooo"
Searched: My sleep
Found:many new very nice frineds.
Worth hearing:
Irie Revoltes- Merci ( I really have to think of you, my friends back at home AND here in Canada, and when I think of you it comes to my mind, that I should say "thank you" more often. Fabse would now say : "Thank you for your support" ;P But yes, it's true, thank you for evrything you've ever done for me or are doing right now)(yes I am a little sentimental, but idc)
Aaaand: the absolute travelling song:
500 miles
Worth seeing: Me, driving a boat! ;P ... but honestly can't decide... almost everything in the Rockies was beautiful!
Quoted well: "I'm battle-scarred but i am working oh so hard to get back to who i used to be." - Alison Sudol
Monday: Rockies ( get more information in the Rockies post, comming soon!)
Tuesday: First day back home in VanCity. Started already shit, my laptop fell down,I trapped over the wire,se that it fell from the bed,. Now the screen is broken. Not awesome! Soo, after school, where it was really hard to stay awake and concentrated, none of us went to the cheap night at the movies, because everybody did something like a small trip during that long weekend. The Monday off was by the wy not because of "Pfingsten", the Canadians don't have it here. It was Victoria day, that brought us a nice free day! So well, after the school I went home and only did my laundry.
Wednesday:An ordinary day. I just went to do some shopping fo the lunch, that was it
Thursday: This day was one of the more intersting ones. After school, the Rockies group planned to go to the bar called "Backstage Lounge". The reason for that was our guide Andrew, who during that trip somehow lost 400 bugs, so that we donated him some money and then, finally he found his onw money again. That's why we went all to that bar and he gave us beer for free. We enjoyed the live music more or less and hat some nice little chats with other people from the group which was really cool.We waited till the real live band played, which was around 12 o'clock, but soon after that we went home.. It was almost 1:30 when I arrived, and on the next day I had to get up at 6:30 again
Friday: This was unfortunately not possible to get up on time :P so I selept in a bit and went to school for B period.. :D After school we went to English Bay and enjoyed the sun at the beach ^^
Saturday. Watching Campions league finals, Bayern wone ( i guessed the scores right!) .. afternoon shopping.. I bought tights for toooo much money, Evening at a club / "Roxy" too expensive and not so cool, but we will find a better club before I leave in about 3 weeks!
Sunday: sleeping and recovering. Chinese garden, Chinatown, Whitecaps Stadium and Rogers arena
Sorry for that late summary ... I try to make the next one on time .. and I am still working on the Rockies post, seems like I never finish :P
Thums down for: a f***** damaged laptop
Bought: postcards!
Thought: "To go swimming now would be nice, but... noooo"
Searched: My sleep
Found:many new very nice frineds.
Worth hearing:
Irie Revoltes- Merci ( I really have to think of you, my friends back at home AND here in Canada, and when I think of you it comes to my mind, that I should say "thank you" more often. Fabse would now say : "Thank you for your support" ;P But yes, it's true, thank you for evrything you've ever done for me or are doing right now)(yes I am a little sentimental, but idc)
500 miles
Quoted well: "I'm battle-scarred but i am working oh so hard to get back to who i used to be." - Alison Sudol
Monday: Rockies ( get more information in the Rockies post, comming soon!)
Tuesday: First day back home in VanCity. Started already shit, my laptop fell down,I trapped over the wire,se that it fell from the bed,. Now the screen is broken. Not awesome! Soo, after school, where it was really hard to stay awake and concentrated, none of us went to the cheap night at the movies, because everybody did something like a small trip during that long weekend. The Monday off was by the wy not because of "Pfingsten", the Canadians don't have it here. It was Victoria day, that brought us a nice free day! So well, after the school I went home and only did my laundry.
Wednesday:An ordinary day. I just went to do some shopping fo the lunch, that was it
Thursday: This day was one of the more intersting ones. After school, the Rockies group planned to go to the bar called "Backstage Lounge". The reason for that was our guide Andrew, who during that trip somehow lost 400 bugs, so that we donated him some money and then, finally he found his onw money again. That's why we went all to that bar and he gave us beer for free. We enjoyed the live music more or less and hat some nice little chats with other people from the group which was really cool.We waited till the real live band played, which was around 12 o'clock, but soon after that we went home.. It was almost 1:30 when I arrived, and on the next day I had to get up at 6:30 again
Friday: This was unfortunately not possible to get up on time :P so I selept in a bit and went to school for B period.. :D After school we went to English Bay and enjoyed the sun at the beach ^^
Saturday. Watching Campions league finals, Bayern wone ( i guessed the scores right!) .. afternoon shopping.. I bought tights for toooo much money, Evening at a club / "Roxy" too expensive and not so cool, but we will find a better club before I leave in about 3 weeks!
Sunday: sleeping and recovering. Chinese garden, Chinatown, Whitecaps Stadium and Rogers arena
Science world! |
Sorry for that late summary ... I try to make the next one on time .. and I am still working on the Rockies post, seems like I never finish :P
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