Hey there!
I just thought that it might be intresting fpor you if I tell you a little bit about my frist week in Vancouver. I know, That's what the weekly post is for, but I wanted to share some more information with you and some pictures as well!
Okay, I'll TRY keep it short, as most of you already know the most important things that happened in this first week.
Saturday: Arrival after a loooong exhausting flight. Almost missed my second plane!!! But, I made it to Vancouver safely & got to know my wonderful hostfamily!
Sunday: Discovered Vancouver on my own, 6 hours of walking through this wondeful city! When I came home, my lovely hostsister (that girl that stays with me here in North vancouver ) has already arrived! Isadora is 17 years old and from Brazil! I really like her and it is fun to stay with her at the hostfamilys house (and nooo I'm not only saying this, because I know that you read this! It's the truth! :) )
Monday: Welcomeday at school. Pretty cool exept for the placement test! Already met sooo many people andy many of them were from Switzerland!
Tuesday: Other than expected we were aaaall seperated to different classes. I'm now in ther CAE class one! But the thing was, that we were there togehter with students that are doing the preparation class for 4 weeks already, and we just got mixed. At first it was really hard to keep up with the others, but it's getting better! And I also made some new friends in this class, too. After class (16:30) I was so tired that I went straight to my home and did nothing special
Wednesday: School all day, and afterwards: Took a short look at Stanley Park, really beautiful, but we were missing the sun!
Thursday: In the mornig the weather was awesome. But when we got out of the school it was all rainy again. Actually the whole day was really bad! I still had to pay for the Camebridge Exam (its about 250 $ extra!!!) and my creditcard didn't work at school. At lunchtime I had to go to the bank because I needed to pay cash. But after I had tried over and over again nothing worked, until I finally foudn a bank that payed me out the money. Unfurtunately, I was late at school, and I had no lunch. Also, I was really afraid that I my teacher would'nt let me enter the classroom again, because the rules for late students are really strict. Normally, teachers are not allowed to let them in again, but Jim made an exeption and let me in. After a really bad afternoon in class with writing exercises and a headache I decided to go to the library for studying. It was so huge and beautiful there. But before that i went to the mall to do some grocery and also normal shopping.This was basiclly the highlight of that day.
Friday: Okay, I'm keeping it short again. Sorry! We went to Stanley Park after Lunch (because on Friday school usually ends at 12:50 (yaaaay!). There we visited the aquarium. It was really sunny and we were a nice group (you can see us onthe first picture ). Aditionally we saw a dolphin show and a beluga show as well! It took us about the whole afternoon to get to Stanley Parc because the Brazilians (Thais and Isadora) were taking pictures aaaaall the way, but that was okay, be ciuse we had a lot of time!)
Saturday: Yaaay, weekend! finally! I slept in then skyped with family and friends, went to Downtown just for fun and for Thomas' birthday dinner! He ivited the whole class to come to a japanese bbq togheter to celebrate his 20th birthday! It was so much fun, so tasty and my first japanese bbq! Afterwards we went to a pub, watched the hockey game and just talked a bit (btw the vancouver canucks won !)
Sunday: Not a lazy day at all! I went skiing with Tobias, an other german boy. It was o much fun. Even though I haven't skied for 5 years now, I wanted to try it again and yeah it went quiet well. The cool thing is, that the mountain we went to is only 20 minutes away from my home. And it was absolutely worth a visit. Even if it was expensive, there were so many different ski slopes and we had such a nice view on Vancouver!
So, now I'm reeeeeaaly tired and its already 23:20 and I have to get up really early tomorrow. Sorry, I haven't kept it short again :( I need to try not to write that much next time! Most of you might not even read the text but only be interested in the pictures haha.
Sleep well, or better: good morning!
from the left to the right: Isadora, me, Tobias, Thais, Jennifer |
dolphin-show at the Vancouver Aquarium |
View of Vancouver's skyline |
The family, I'm staying with! really nice and awesome family! |
A glider for my airfield guys ;) |
Grouse Mountain! |